Eagle Project beautifies Annex
dailypostathenian.com | The Daily Post-Athenian
Eagle Project beautifies Annex
On Monday, Feb. 19, Eagle Scout candidate Steven Bush prepared and assembled his Eagle Scout project for downtown Athens. His project was to construct two park benches and to place them on either side of the entrance to the McMinn County Courthouse Annex. Waupaca Foundry in Etowah donated the cast iron park bench ends, which were molded, poured and finished locally. The Lowes Home Improvement store in Athens donated the oak boards and finish to make the park bench slats. To make the project a reality, Steven Bush was able to organize and combine over 50 service hours from family, friends, neighbors, and fellow scouts from Boy Scout Troop 118. With the completion of this Eagle Scout project, Steven Bush only has to finish some paperwork and complete an Eagle Scout board of review. When completed, he will have earned and achieved the highest Boy Scout rank as an Eagle Scout. Seated (from left) are Eagle Scout candidate Steven Bush and McMinn County Mayor John Gentry. Standing (from left) are Asst. Scoutmaster Jason Bush, Tobi Reid, Seth Bush, Nicholas Radosevich, Alexander Radosevich, Scoutmaster Matt Kelley, Luke Morgan, Forrest McCutcheon, and Waupaca Foundry HR Manager Chip Chandler.