Group raising funds for WMS students | Waupaca County PostWaupaca Foundry and others donated funds for the new Waupaca Middle School Performance Enhancement Center to support students' health and well-being.
Improved workout equipment planned
Waupaca Foundry and Farmers State Bank each gave $3,000 to the new Waupaca Middle School Performance Enhancement Center (PEC).The PEC is a new space next to the middle school gym with improved workout equipment to help students be healthier.
The Waupaca School District is working with the Waupaca Middle School PEC Fundraising Committee to upgrade the room with proper ventilation, lighting, ceiling fans, rubberized flooring, and mirrors to aid with exercise.
The Fundraising Committee is raising money to pay for the equipment going into the PEC.
"The health and wellbeing of our kids is extremely important," say Rob Johnson, Waupaca Foundry CFO and vice president, finance. "The new facility will allow students to learn age specific activities that can not only strengthen muscles and bones, but improve concentration at school."
Jay Krcmar, vice president of Farmers State Bank, said, "We feel that this is an important age to learn how fitness can help you in everyday life. We are happy to support students learning such valuble life skills."
In addition to the donations by Waupaca Foudry and Farmers State Bank, the families of Randy and Lisa O'Connell, Jay and Elizabeth Krcmar, Mark and Emily Nikolai, Chris and Pamela Gusmer, Rob Johnson, Jac Johnson, Dr. Steven and Beth Saunders and Paul and Michelle Charpata have each donated $1,000 ensuring sucess of the project.
"As a coach for four sports at different levels, I see the importance of working out and physical fitness for young men and women," said Rocky Mondello, Waupaca Middle School teacher and coach, and head varsity baseball coach. "With our new district wide wellness plan, a room like this will help our students and staff acheive our goals. Thank you for all those that are helping make the PEC a reality."
To raise additional funds, the Fundraising Committee will host a golf outing on Saturday, June 30th.
Local bussinesses may be and event sponsor for $100 or give items to raffle at the event.
For more information, contact Waupaca Middle School office at 715-258-4140.

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