Helping Peregrine Falcons at Waupaca Foundry
James Lawatsch | Waupaca FoundryCertainly not our typical customer, Waupaca Foundry however can produce exactly what the Peregrine Falcon needs. Once an endangered species, the falcon requires a high location with a good view of water, a steady food supply of other birds (like pigeons), and a nest. Two Waupaca Foundry plants meet the criteria precisely and an experiment began to help reintroduce peregrine falcons to northeastern Wisconsin.
You see, Plant 4, located in Marinette is nestled on an outlet of the Menominee River and is within viewing range of the Bay of Green Bay. And, Plant 1 sits on the banks of the Waupaca River in Waupaca. Both Wisconsin based foundries have an abundance of smaller birds, including pigeons, for the falcons to prey. With help from WPS (who shared plans to build a nest box specifically designed for the rare peregrine falcon) and The Peregrine Society we were able to get this initiative off the ground.
We are hopeful the falcons are attracted to the new rooftop nests at the grey iron and ductile iron foundries. Waupaca Foundry is excited to participate in the successful recovery of peregrine falcons in the Midwest.
For more information on the peregrine falcon, please visit either The Peregrine Fund or The Midwest Peregrine Society.