Waupaca Foundry - Marinette
Plant 4 - Marinette, WI
Plant 4 is located on 40 acres within the City of Marinette, WI, is 327,000 square feet, and employs more than 800 people. The plant was built in 1973 and is a diverse facility able to run six different types of ductile iron at the same time in its electric melt furnaces. Team members take pride in the technical support at the plant and have experts on hand to react quickly to customer needs.
Plant 4
805 Ogden Street
Marinette, WI - Plant 4 54143
Phone Number: +1 (715) 735-4999
Airports with service to area:
Austin Straubel International Airport (GRB)
Central Time Zone (CST)
IATF 16949: 2016
ISO 9001: 2015
ISO 14001: 2015
ISO 45001: 2018
Plant Location
Iron type: | Ductile iron |
Casting size: | 2 lbs. - 65 lbs. / 1 kg – 30 kg |
Melt capacity: | 75 tons per hour |
Molding: | Six vertical molding machines One 22 x 34 / 558 x 864 mm Five 28 x 34 / 711 x 864 mm |
Core types: | Isocure cold box and shell |
Markets served: | Light vehicle, material handling, power transmission, agriculture, hydraulics, and commercial vehicle (Class 4-8 truck and trailer) |
Products manufactured: | Brake calipers, brake anchors, differential cases, bearing caps, slack adjusters, spring hangers and steering housings |
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